How to Identify a Gentleman (1880’s Style)

Have you ever taken time to read through an old newspaper?  I did so quite a bit as I researched for A Time of Proving. Newspapers give an excellent feel for the writing style of the time and also provide insight into what occupied people’s minds....

A Photographic Look at Osceola, Nebraska

My Home to Osceola series is fictional. The characters are created out of my own head and the plot is formed as I put those characters through hard circumstances. You won’t find my stories in the history books, sorry to say (or perhaps not so sorry since no real...

Why I Write Historical Fiction

With another book that just released, now seems like the perfect time to talk about why I choose to write historical fiction. There could be a couple answers for that.  The History, of Course. I love diving into the past and exploring the way things used to...

Having a Sense of Place

People talk about having “a sense of place.” You know how it is, the ties you have to a certain area, whether that’s a specific house or piece of land or part of the country. Both Jase and Miriam crave that sense of belonging in A Time of...