How Much Faith Content is in an Alena Mentink Book?

How Much Faith Content is in an Alena Mentink Book?

Potential readers often ask me about the faith content of my books. I do the same when considering other authors’ books. If you’re going to spend money on a book and invest time in reading it, you want to be sure you aren’t wasting your resources, right?

So let’s dive into faith content, how it appears in my stories, and what it looks like.

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How I Came to Know Jesus

My Faith Story: How I Came to Know Jesus

Every believer has a point in their life when they realize their need for Jesus. I have my own story about that–but I can’t tell it without going farther back in time.

When I was young, neither of my parents thought they needed God. They genuinely thought they were Christians, but they didn’t live like it. Neither of them could explain their beliefs. They simply thought all Americans were born Christians.

And then came the day of change.

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Making the Best Use of the Time

Making the best use of the time

Sometimes, it feels as if there are two ditches to fall into when we’re making use of our time.

Spreading ourselves too thin with too many yeses . . . Or grudging every little request for our time.

Wasting time . . . Or working ourselves into a lather.

Holding onto our time too tightly with a clenched hand . . . or letting it slide like water between out fingers, never to be regained.

With two equally unfavorable positions to fall into, how can we strike a balance? Here are a couple quick thoughts:

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Putting the Joy Back in Life

Choosing Joy

What does it take to cultivate joy?

We can’t control our circumstances. If you’ve lived longer than five years, you know that.

And we can’t control those around us. Sometimes we wish we could. But it’s probably a good thing we can’t.

However, we can control how we react to our circumstances, whether it’s in a situation for good or for bad. We can be that person who brings a smile to people’s faces, the one who doesn’t choose to whine but instead responds to what life throws at us with a positive mindset. Joy.

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