What does it take to cultivate joy?
We can’t control our circumstances. If you’ve lived longer than five years, you know that.
And we can’t control those around us. Sometimes we wish we could. But it’s probably a good thing we can’t.
However, we can control how we react to our circumstances, whether it’s in a situation for good or for bad. We can be that person who brings a smile to people’s faces, the one who doesn’t choose to whine but instead responds to what life throws at us with a positive mindset. Joy.
How? Is it because we’re special or amazing or just naturally happy people?
Hardly . . . but we do serve a very special and amazing kind of God who has told us that, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”
Happiness does not equate joy. The internet will tell you that the two are synonyms, but the computer is not all knowing (good news, right?).
To phrase it one way, happiness is something that happens to you. Something you may or not have any control over.
Joy, on the other hand, is a choice. A decision on what the state of your heart will be no matter what happens.
And there’s always a reason for us to find joy. Just think of the salvation that God has gifted us through His Son! As Christians, we should be the most joyful people on earth!
And besides making you a magnetic person to be around, joy has very real benefits for those who embrace it.

Of course we know that joy is the attitude we should be nourishing, but how do we get that joy? With all the worries that this world can bring, all of the anxieties about things on the news, national tensions, and, not to mention, personal problems, isn’t it impossible to maintain a joyful spirit even most of the time?
If you aren’t saved, then yes, it could very well be impossible for you. But as Christians, here we have to use our verse from Philippians again. “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”
If you are struggling to find joy, first of all, stop and pray. Sometimes when we worry, we forget to simply bow our heads and bring our concerns to our Heavenly Father.

Next, evaluate your time. What are you spending it on? Are you spending too much time watching discouraging events on T.V.? Or maybe social media has you down. Perhaps the books you’re reading are depressing you.
Cut out the things that suck your joy away, and use that extra time to do the things that do encourage you.
Read God’s Word. Try starting your day off by reading a chapter or two!
Get outside. Spend some time marveling at God’s creation.
Play a game with your family. Laugh out loud together. Enjoy one another.
And choose joy. Because we have a God who is worth it.