Have you read Settle My Heart yet? Today I’m excited to share a little bit of the story behind the book. I’ve answered all the common questions I get asked (including the big one – am I going to write another book? And no, no, no, don’t cheat by scrolling to the end to find the answer. You’re just going to have to wait). If you haven’t read the book yet, it’s all right. I made it my goal not to include any information that will ruin the book for anyone waiting to read it or still in the middle of the story. So you can thank me for not including the question my dear brother asked me about the ending; Caleb would be the one to ask difficult questions.

Where did you get the title Settle My Heart?

Funny story. When I first started writing this book, my title for it was The Secrets of the Heart. I thought of it that way for nearly four years until it was impossible to think of it any other way.

Then my editor suggested a change. Too many books were already called The Secrets of the Heart, so she suggested Settle My Heart. There were no other books with that title, just a song by some singer from South Dakota.

My initial reaction was, “No, there is absolutely no way I can change the title.” But after a couple weeks, I had to admit that Settle My Heart had a certain ring to it—and if the editor suggested a change, she probably knew what she was talking about. So I emailed my publisher and said, “About the title. I’d like to make a change, if that’s all right . . .”

And now I love the title and can’t imagine it with a different one.

Did any parts of the story actually happen?

No, the entire book is fictional. None of the events in the story actually took place, but all the facts (such as the description of the stagecoach and Fort Laramie) are true.

Since your book takes place in the west and involves cowboys and the like, you must be the horse girl.

All right, I’ll admit it. I’m not into horses. The praise for any scene involving horses ultimately goes to my sister Kailey. I’ve spent years listening to her go on and on about her horses, and if I’ve picked anything up, it’s because she’s repeated it a few times—for my benefit, of course.

A lot of the horse scenes were bad (and I mean bad) until Kailey read it and told me to sit down and rewrite them.

Are any of the characters based off real people?

Nope, there’s not one character based off a real person in Settle My Heart.

And no, I’m sorry to disappoint, but Brittany is not me. She may have blond hair and blue eyes, but the idea of her being me was not on my mind as I was writing. And just to clear the record, Nathan isn’t based off a real person either, as my siblings have so helpfully suggested.

Where did the idea for Able Zimmerman come from?

The funny thing about Able is that everyone I’ve talked to who has read about him has a similar reaction to him. First, they wonder what kind of an odd-ball just walked onto the stage, and then they start laughing at him.

So where did he come from? Again, he’s not a real person. The best answer I have is that I read extensively. I took all the traits of odd characters that made me laugh personally, and then I tried to blend them all together in Able.

Are you planning on writing any more books?

Yes! Absolutely yes! The next book I have planned is the beginning of a series of five books. It’s not at all connected with Settle My Heart; it’s a new setting and new characters. Each book is clearly mapped out in my mind and I have a notebook full of notes on each of them. It’s going to be a lot of fun.

Here’s a sneak peek—the working title of the series is Home To Osceola. You guessed it. The setting is Osceola, Nebraska, the town I lived outside of for the first fourteen years of my life.

The series begins in the late 1870’s when the town has just been founded and carries on into the early 80’s. I never knew I lived in such an interesting town until I started researching and reading all the old stories of the first settlers. And trust me, I’ve learned that fiction might seem far-fetched at times, but real life can be even more so.

Haven’t had a chance to read Settle My Heart yet? You can find the book here.