Review for Lacy William’s Heart of Gold

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

To summarize Heart of Gold into one sentence, this book is a western romance that shows the value of family, with a Christmas flair added in for good measure.

Description of Heart of Gold:

They survived a harrowing near-death experience. Can a poignant family Christmas bring them together?

Ida needs a quiet Christmas at home to rest and find her footing again. But her boisterous family is anything but quiet and things only get worse when her U.S. Marshal brother brings home a prisoner for the holiday—the same outlaw that saved her life.

Tom Seymour discombobulates her. He’s arrogant and unrepentant. But when she’s forced to nurse his injuries, she realizes that his persona is all a facade. The man underneath is wounded and kind and in need of redemption.

But Tom must make a choice between his old life and the chance to make a new one with Ida. Can she trust the man he is becoming or will he betray her?

My Thoughts

I loved the idea of a lonely criminal stranded with a big, rambling family over Christmas. Tom’s carefree attitude had me smiling. I also liked the way Ida’s struggle to overcome the trauma of her kidnapping was portrayed. Not too smothering, but also realistic of how a girl would feel after suffering at the hands of rough men.

I was not so fond of the rush to the kiss–I’m pretty picky about how I like romance portrayed. I also would have liked to see the redemption theme played out more fully and explained more in depth.

Disclaimer: I received a free copy of this book, but my thoughts and opinions are entirely my own.

Grab a copy of Heart of Gold

About the Author

Lacy Williams wishes her writing career was more like what you see in Hallmark movies: dreamy brainstorming from a French chateau or a few minutes at the computer in a million-dollar New York City penthouse. In reality, she’s up before the sun, putting words on the page before her kids wake up for the day. Those early-morning and late-night writing sessions add up, and Lacy has published sixty books in a decade, first with a big five publisher and then as an indie author. When she needs to refill the well, you can find Lacy birdwatching, gardening, biking with the kiddos, or walking the dog. Find tons of bonus scenes and reader extras by becoming a VIP reader at .

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Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, May 16

Alena Mentink, May 16

Texas Book-aholic, May 17

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Connie’s History Classroom, May 20

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, May 21

Christina’s Corner, May 21

Abba’s Prayer Warrior Princess, May 22

For Him and My Family, May 23

Pause for Tales, May 24

Gina Holder, Author and Blogger, May 25 (Author Interview)

Kristina Hall, May 25

Cover Lover Book Review, May 26

Vicky Sluiter, May 27

Splashes of Joy, May 28

Sheila’s Reading Corner, May 29

Mary Hake, May 29


To celebrate her tour, Lacy is giving away the grand prize of a $50 Amazon gift card and a paperback copy of the book!!

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4 Replies to “Review for Lacy William’s Heart of Gold”

  1. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on Heart of Gold, this sounds like a story that I will enjoy reading and I am looking forward to doing so

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